The Bonnaroo Shakedown, Your source for Bonnaroo 2011 Music Festival Lineup Leaks, Rumors, Artist Additions, Predictions and News on Bands, Artists, and Groups performing at the Bonnaroo 2011 Music Festival in Manchester, Tennessee !!!

April 16, 2009

Bonnaroo Widget !

they are sooooo fancy with their marketing...

Bonnaroo has released this information:

Win a new prize every week! Here's how it works: Every Monday we will announce a new prize in this widget. Simply post this widget on a social profile or blog, email us a link to check it out, and you will be entered into every contest drawing. You have multiple chances to win!

Details on contest duration will be listed in the terms and conditions. There will be a dedicated landing page for the contest with similar copy:

To enter the contest post the Bonnaroo Widget on your personal website, FaceBook profile, MySpace profile, or blog. After you have posted the widget, fill out the contest submission screen inside the widget including your email address and the URL of where you posted it. (We will be contacting the winners by the email address provided so make sure it is valid.)

We will be announcing a new prize and drawing a new winner every Monday for the next several weeks. By entering once, you are automatically entered in to every drawing!